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  • Life

Even though I live and breathe design and interactive development in my day job at night my personal design has taken a back seat. I’m… Read itTransition


  • Art

The Doorway by MGD. Using Procreate on iPad.

Beer label

  • Art, Life

Designed a label for my wife’s cousin’s home brew. (The colors come from University of Illinois.)

College art

  • Art

Looked at old art on Flickr.

Happy New Year

  • Life

Bah bye 2012. 2013 will be bringing a new website for me.


I think it’s time I move away from custom WordPress site to this Tumblr site.


  • Art

Made with Paper

When pigs fly

  • Running

After running my first half marathon last month at the Cleveland Fall Classic I figured I’d take it easy through winter. There’s no need to… Read itWhen pigs fly