Way back in December 2007 I started a new job at Progressive where soon I discovered another guy donning the maize and blue. It’s been a rough stretch for leaders and the best, but we’ve never faltered or wavered in the belief in the best university on the planet. But unless you’ve experienced the 110 thousand plus packed into the Big House, or you’re one of those haters from the place round on the outside and hi in the middle pulling childish antics of Xing out Ms, you will never understand this love and passion that unites with a bond unlike any other. While over the past 17 years our paths have taken us to different employers and cities, the friendship has always been a constant. With all of this said, sadly, I’ve never been able to take him up on his offer of going to a game with him in Ann Arbor until last night. It was like we never missed a beat and oh what a night it was. Go Blue!